viernes, 18 de octubre de 2013

The Traveling Theatre of Christ

The Traveling Theatre of Christ is a Christian organization founded by Mr. Rigoberto Rodriguez and Carmela Gil in 2011 whose purpose of this ministry is to share the love and gospel of Jesus Christ in a unique and creative way.

Our; Constitution and bye-laws
This organization is known to the authorities of the State of Florida as the rolling theatre of Christ. Inc.

Internal and external relations
The traveling theatre of Christ. Inc. It is an autonomous Christian organization belongs to the people of God

External relations
The traveling theatre of Christ: Inc. is an interdenominational group

Section A. Mission:
Our great mission:
It is the great Commission that ordered the master go and preach the Gospel to every creature .There is our mission to extend the Kingdom of God and to present Jesus Christ as the only Saviour

Section B.) Purpose
It is to reach multitudes of young people for Christ. reaching them in a new format of evangelism. with new alternatives that are the Christ-centric art.

Section C.) Beliefs:

We believe that the Bible is the only source of truth. The Bible was inspired by God and is the highest authority.
Therefore, we do not consider any revelation, manifestation or expression equal or greater authority than the word of God.

Biblical texts

1 Thessalonians 2:13

II Timothy 3:16

We believe in one true God existing in three persons-father, son and holy spirit-
but they are one in essence.

 Traveling Theater members of Christ


Carmela Gil 


Rigoberto Rodriguez


The traveling theatre of Christ Ministry

From time of the old testament dance has been praise the Lord, used by his people and the word one can see the benefits of the same, which has been used for the celebration of great victories or the preparation for the conquest, because we are more than conquerors.

Samuel 6:5 says: "and David and all the House of Israel danced before the Lord with all kinds of wooden instruments of Hague;" with harps, psalteries, tambourines, flutes and cymbals

When dance to, our heart speaks through movement. Dance for us Christians is a form of worship with which we are grateful to the Almighty for his mercy and grace toward us

 With our dance we show to God Almighty our joy and Minister to his people publicizing his message through our steps



Children's theatre and children

Theatre invites reflection and fun

The curtain opens and starts the function! Every day children's interest in the theatre is greater.

Theatre features already not cater only to adults, children grows and demonstrates very attracted by this new activity language, scenarios, scripts,... used in the children's theater, every day they manage to convey feelings, values and is transformed into a great educational tool for children

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