martes, 20 de octubre de 2015

The Logo For Traveling Theater Videos of Christ

It is necessary to have the rolling theatre of Christ to develop activities that leave intense cultural traces in the history of the Church. The theatre of whom you speak, no one would try to work on it because of the different doctrines, values, and traditions and conflicts that may cause.

But God is calling for these times a different rolling theater. That do not run from reality, but if this willing impact through the cristocentricas arts.

A tradition that is transformed as a root, a fountain, and an identity which in turn you are nurturing permanently to bring life to the one that was dead and beating heart which rises between the dry bones. I think that we have to work in that regard.

I am quite sure that there are no free society, if there is no Christian society

It is not in vain to hit the dictatorship of Satan through Christian culture.

Who were the persecuted first of the dictatorship of Satan?

Church workers many of them were flogged, exiled and dead,

They were not stupid. What they knew is that this is a very vigorous root which is the Gospel of Jesus Christ 



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